July Update


Lots to talk about this month. 

The big news is that my short film Brambletown, made with the Okee Dokee Brothers is debuting on PBS Kids! 

The project, a full year in the making, tells the story of Fox and Badger, two friends returning home to find a changed Brambletown. The film is an emotional and ultimately hopeful look at the roles we play in each other's lives, our own self discovery, handling life's curve balls, the impact we have on our environment, and our ability to create change. Did I mention it is BURSTING with wonderful music?

 The next bit of news comes in the form of an official acceptance to a film festival in my hometown of El Paso, The El Paso Film Festival! Woohoo! My two parter music video Carry The Spark, made for the amazing group Coyote Reverie, is going to grace the silver screen in late September. I am extremely proud of this one and cannot wait to share the epic tale real soon. 

Lastly, I'd be remiss to mention the completion of Papercuts, which is now out to festivals! Hoo boy, this one... it's something extra special. A true labor of diy filmmaking and easily the most personal project to date. Look for news on screenings (fingers crossed) in the coming months.