Light Pockets - Self Portrait

Check out this crazy and surreal trip to the museum I crafted for Light Pockets track 'Self Portrait'!  I was inspired by a recent trip to the Chicago Institute of Art where I was completely overwhelmed by what I saw.  I challenged myself to explore the concept of a self portrait through multiple styles of art.  At the end of production it was clear that this was not only a portrait of Light Pockets, but of myself as well.

Underground hip-hop hermits Light Pockets return with an animated look in the mirror. "Self Portrait" finds our humble heroes, Doppleganger & Stresselbee, gazing upon the looking glass and ruminating on what they discover there. Beat by the elusive Aardvarcheologist Animation, alchemy and papersmithing by Eric Power SUSBSCRIBE and visit our bandcamp page for free downloads!