All the NEWS!

Greetings! I wanted to give a bit of an update into the goings on around the studio. The (first) BIG NEWS IS: I am in production on Attack of the Demons! It is a feature length animated horror film I have been trying to get funded for several years. We were finally about to dive into it in earnest in December of 2017, and I have been working on it ever since. The hope is to have it complete this fall. Our budget is crazy low, but the heart is there. It's going to be very freakin' cool. Get excited. The best way to follow the progress of the film is via my INSTAGRAM.  
The second bit of super big news is: Path of Blood is about to be officially released on Blu Ray!  YEAH!   You can purchase the film on amazon HERE.  
I have waited a long time to be able to say that to you.  It feels good to let it out!
I hope you enjoy the labor of love that was Path of Blood.  I learned so much during the making of it.  All of the trials and tribulations pushed me to be a better animator and a better filmmaker in general.  All that knowledge is now being put to the test on Attack of the Demons, my far more ambitious follow up.  I hope you join me for the ride.
More info coming soon!